Claudia Spagnolo

R&P headquarter

marketing & communication specialist


  • Brand Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Communication


  • Global MBA in Design, Fashion & Luxury Goods - BBS Bologna Business School, Bologna
  • Master Executive in Social Media Marketing & Digital Communication, IULM, Milano
  • Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria Biomedica, Università di Bologna, Cesena

After graduating in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bologna, she became passionate about the world of marketing and communication and decided to deepen her skills by first attending the Executive Master in Social Media Marketing & Digital Communication at the IULM University of Milan and then a course in Storytelling at Scuola Holden in Turin. She then decides to deepen some managerial aspects by participating in the Global MBA in Design, Fashion and Luxury Goods of the Bologna Business School, after which she enters the world of business consultancy.

She joined Roncucci&Partners in 2023 dealing with Marketing and Communication.

"If you want something you've never had, You must be willing to do something you've never done."
Thomas Jefferson